Help assist older adults who want to live independently in their own homes.
You decide when, where, and how often you can volunteer. Choose the service(s) you'd like to provide.
Become a Volunteer
Verde Valley Caregivers Coalition needs volunteers to transport seniors to medical appointments locally and out of town. Review the total list of volunteer services below or on our Volunteer Application. VVCC volunteers enjoy flexible scheduling.
Become a Volunteer Stipend Driver
If you can work at least three days per week you will be eligible for a stipend of $60/day plus mileage for Verde Valley trips, and $80/day plus mileage for long distance trips to Flagstaff, Prescott and Phoenix. To learn more about the Volunteer Stipend Driver position, read this position description.
Apply by emailing a completed Volunteer Application to
Service Opportunities
To sign up to become a volunteer, volunteer driver, or stipend driver,
email a completed Volunteer Application to
What our volunteers are saying:
"I have met the most wonderful, interesting people through this program."
"Giving always means receiving. Each person I have assisted has given me more than I gave."
Download and fill out
Email the forms to
Call (928) 204-1238 ext. 8104 with questions or for more information.
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